Isaiah 6:1-8 – Isaiah admitted he was sinfully unclean, unqualified to stand in God’s presence. The LORD not only takes Isaiah’s sin away but also sends Isaiah out as a messenger of grace.
Romans 10:12-17 – God’s plan is to equip saved sinners like us to proclaim salvation to other sinners. St.Paul explains that God has no backup plan.
Luke 5:1-11 – Jesus takes simple, self-admittedly sinful fishermen, seemingly unqualified for gospel ministry. He removes their fears, calls them to follow, and makes them fishers of men.
· Monday, Feb. 3rd, 6:00 Confirmation class
· Wednesday, Feb. 5th, 6:30 Growth Groups resume @ the home of Conal & Linda McDanel 12261 Southhaven, Flint, TX, OR via zoom w/Pastor Koelpin
Looking Ahead: